

企業、民間和公營部門必須聯手才能推動重大變革。 無論你在社會中處於什麼位置,你都可以發揮作用,擴大我們的集體影響。

What is

Collective Impact?

We believe that partnership is key to solving complex challenges and achieving change. If you yearn for a better future for all in our region, join our community of changemakers and drive collective impact through unlikely partnerships.

In a collective impact initiative, stakeholders focus on what each one can do best. Partners engaged in collective impact can work together constructively despite different perspectives. It requires a new kind of leadership, called ecosystemic leadership, that favors co-creation, new connections, adaptability and ethics.

TC collective impact

Collective impact is based on the idea that social problems arise from and persist because of a complex combination of actions and omissions by players in all sectors—and therefore can be solved only by the coordinated efforts of those players, from businesses to government agencies, charitable organizations, and members of affected populations.

Mark Kramer, Harvard Business School & Marc Pfitzer, managing director, FSG
The Ecosystem of Shared Value – Harvard Business Review


For Change

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all stakeholders in a global partnership. We focus on 17.17 SDG which recognises multi-stakeholder partnerships as important vehicles for sharing knowledge, expertise and resources to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals.


It Happen

Get involved in our changemakers network to amplify positive impact through unlikely partnerships.

By strengthening the communities in which they operate, companies involved in collective impact spot opportunities their competitors miss. We welcome every change agent, intrapreneur or business leader, to partner for social progress and economic success.

There is an opportunity for government, academia and NGOs to collaborate with business, bringing new ideas, expertise and resources to address complex social issues and scale social solutions.

As a community member – individual, student – you can support SVIHK by volunteering your time or applying for an internship.