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We welcome


We welcome companies aiming to simultaneously maximise societal impact and financial returns. Our company partners, led by passionate changemakers, are all at different points on their shared value journey.

Accenture Logo


With their mature shared value practice, these companies partner with us to lead, invest, and drive the shared value movement in the region.

Accenture logo

埃森哲公司注册于爱尔兰,是一家全球领先的专业服务公司,在数字化、云计算与网络安全领域拥有全球领先的能力。凭借独特的业内经验与专业技能,以及翘楚全球的卓越技术中心和智能运营中心,...read more

AIA Chinese Logo

友邦保险秉承为亚洲社区和客户带来显着及正面影响的承诺,以帮助社会大众实践「健康长久好生活」为目标。友邦香港及澳门亦一直竭力担当着领导角色,积极推动本地以至整个亚洲的经济及社会发展,...read more

Accenture Logo

The AXA Group is a worldwide leader in insurance and asset management, with 160,000 employees serving 108 million clients in 57markets. In Asia, ...read more

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巴克莱是一家英国的全能银行,亦是英国规模最大的银行和金融服务机构之一,致力为全球从事不同行业或置身不同国家和地区的客户,提供各项银行及金融服务。...read more

Accenture Logo

EY is a multinational professional services firm providing services to clients across four service lines –Assurance, Tax, Advisory and  Transaction Advisory Services. ...read more

Accenture Logo

汇丰是全球最大的银行及金融服务机构之一。我们的业务网络覆盖全球64个国家和地区,服务超过4,000万客户。...read more

Accenture Logo

雀巢是全球领先的「营养、健康、幸福生活」企业。我们的目标是「充分发掘食品的力量,提升每个个体的生活品质,无论现在还是未来」。...read more

Accenture Logo

新世界发展有限公司(「集团」;香港股份代号:00017)成立于1970年,并于1972年在香港上市,为香港恒生指数成份股之一。...read more

Citi logo


Driving efforts in shared value transformation, these companies partner with us to localise their global goals with a shared value focus and drive collaborations for an exponential impact.

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德勤是全球领先的专业服务机构,为客户提供审计及鉴证、管理咨询、财务咨询、风险咨询、税务及相关服务。德勤透过遍及全球逾150个国家与地区的成员所网络及关联机构(统称为“德勤组织”)为财富全球500强企业中约80%的企业提供专业服务。...read more

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At the beginning of their shared value journey, these companies partner with us to embed shared value into their core strategy.

Accenture Logo

Headquartered in Hong Kong since 1996, JEB provides a diverse range of industry-leading architectural products and services. With seven offices and showrooms in Asia Pacific, ...read more

SPCA logo

香港爱护动物协会成立于 1921 年,是香港历史最悠久的动物福利慈善机构。...read more


Shared Value Initiative Hong Kong is part of the global shared value network that includes sister networks in Australia, India, Africa, North and South America.