CEO of AXA in Asia & Africa, Gordon Watson explains how he came to embrace Shared Value, a global movement which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, and became the Founding Chair of Shared Value Project Hong Kong, now renamed Shared Value Initiative Hong Kong.
Covid-19’s relentless exposure of inequality provides us with a unique and unprecedented opportunity. The pandemic is driving awareness around the broader issues faced by women in society. Companies need to understand women are a key nexus in how value is shared and created between a company and the local community. Basic steps they can take is by demonstrating Creating Shared Value (CSV) and highlight inclusivity in how we measure, support and produce social value to ensure gender parity in pay or increase the number of women in leadership.
Global challenges are more apparent than ever. In an increasingly volatile, complex and uncertain environment it requires resilience for businesses to survive, let alone thrive. From every crisis, opportunities arise to innovate and a shared value culture opens up strategic possibilities and will differentiate an organization whilst simultaneously driving the next wave of innovation, productivity and economic growth.
Message from our Chairman: I am pleased to announce that Gaëlle Loiseau has been appointed to the position of CEO of Shared Value Initiative Hong Kong effective 3 June 2019, replacing Kathryn Greenberg, who is moving on to new endeavors.
This time last year, a few business leaders and I convened a community of Shared Value champions with a vision to promote a new way of doing business in Hong Kong.